Select your application category below for more information and an introduction to which Schutte Hammermill equipment may fit best.
Wood Processing
With a legacy dating back to 1928, Schutte Hammermill stands as an unparalleled leader in the realm of wood grinding hammer mills. Boasting a track record that surpasses any other manufacturer, Schutte Hammermill has been instrumental in providing top-notch equipment for processing wood. Our extensive range of wood grinding equipment comes in diverse sizes and styles, catering to the unique needs of various applications within the wood processing industry. Whether a single unit or a comprehensive turn-key system, Schutte Hammermill ensures that all products are configured to precisely suit the specific application and production goals.
With an emphasis on efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a commitment to sustainable practices, our holistic approach has solidified Schutte Hammermill as a trusted partner for companies seeking top-tier size reduction solutions backed by a proven track record of success.
Industry Knowledge
A member of the Bengal Machine Family of Brands